Fortify & boost your health now with Jeff Tkach, Chief Impact Officer, Rodale Institute

“We are overfed but undernourished,” says Jeff Tkach, Chief Impact Officer at the Rodale Institute. . In this fascinating interview, Jeff explains the research findings into the health of our soil, which has a direct impact on the nutrients in our food. He says we are suffering from “hidden hunger because our food is less nutritious than it’s ever been.” Listen in to the very latest ideas to regenerate our soil.

Is your mindset working for you or against you? Our podcast will show you how to build a mindset that will propel you and create opportunities to find joy in every aspect of your life. Doesn’t that sound great? A more positive mindset AND more joy? It’s all based in the science of positive psychology, which is the study of human thriving. Come and thrive right along with us!