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Be The Queen Of Your Own Heart


$ 45.00 USD
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Be The Queen Of Your Own Heart

You’re invited to your ownCoronation! That’s because we are going to show you how to harnessthe power of your Queen energy during our dynamic retreat. It’s theperfect time to awaken your Queen energy as science tells us itdictatesthat you are in chargeof your life, you honor your body and embrace who you are right now.As a Queen, you are the creator of your own experience, and your mainrole is to master yourself and create a kingdom that you’re proudof.

This enriching event will feature:

*Thescientific teachings of the Queen energy

*Interactiveexercises so you can tap into your unique Queen.




*Snacksand beverages

*Fantasticnew connections

*Anda few surprises

Signup now and become the Queen that you are guided by joy and the wisdomthat knows trueelegance comes from within.

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$ 45.00 USD
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Debbie Sherman wore her Wisdom Symbol pendant in Paris!

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